School Pictures ’17/18

Yesterday at the Kindergarten line up, one of the Kindergarten mom’s asked if we were retaking our school pictures this year.

“Mine were awful, so of course not!” I answered.

She looked at me like I was crazy. She was definitely doing a retake for her one and only kid.

Maybe it’s because I photograph the kids so much, this one picture doesn’t mean as much to me.  Or maybe I am hoping that my kids will have great senses of humor in the future. In which case, keeping a bad photo is funnier than a good one.

Not all of them turned out as bad as I’d hoped. You be the judge…

Jack looks like he is practicing for his mug photo jack 17:18

Ben’s was definitely the photo ben 17:18

Sam, what deep thoughts are going on behind those brooding eyes?school photo - sam 17:18

Aaron or Alfred E. Newman?school photo aaron 17:18

(He is even missing a tooth under there)

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