Ben Turns Fifteen

Ben turned Fifteen Yesterday! I can’t believe I just typed that sentence!

It’s been an incredible year for Ben. He’s really matured and settled life nicely. This year he’s focused on getting good grades, making friend and improving in soccer so he can play on a team in the Spring. It’s so incredibly normal that I can’t believe I just typed that sentence!

This year he’s gained a bit of independence. He can now go running on his own and not get lost. He’s still occasionally drawing and posting on his youtube channel, Benmakesart777.

Yesterday we woke up and did the normal birthday donut and egg sandwich breakfast. Then, because Ben’s school runs 11 months a year, he boarded the bus armed with cupcakes to share with his classmates.

In the afternoon we booked a soccer session. Jack joined Ben even though he already had a 2 and 1/2 hour soccer training session that morning with his high school.

Practicing Headers
Ben Wearing his Messi Jersey Birthday Present

Like the Messi Jersey? Last weekend the twins and Jack went with Adam to get new soccer cleats. They all bought Messi Jerseys for themselves as well. When they got home, they realized they didn’t get one for Ben. Jack felt particularly bad about it. When I asked Jack to sign the birthday card for Ben, he pulled me into his room and said, “Wrap this too.”

Jack handed me his brand new, expensive pink Messi Jersey to give to Ben for his birthday. It was such a thoughtful thing to do! I was so proud of Jack in that moment.

After soccer it was time for our usual birthday dinner.


Normally Adam over orders and we have leftover for days. After all that working out, there was only 5 pieces of sushi left and one serving of Beef Chow Fun. Jack actually said he was still hungry! But we soon fixed that with the birthday pie.

Chocolate Cream Pie from Sweet Mandy Bs

Ben picked a Chocolate Cream Pie from Sweet Mandy Bs. As with everything from that place, it was delicious!

Ben also spent some time on Ebay buying presents for his birthday, coins, pokemon, and comic books.

Happy Birthday Ben!

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