Jack’s 14th Birthday

Even if we weren’t in a pandemic, nothing could compare with Jack’s birthday party last year. His Bar Mitzvah was the biggest party we will ever throw for him. From here on out it’s all downhill.

At this point, we feel blessed that he’s still young enough to enjoy a birthday spent with his family. Probably from here on out, that too is downhill for us.

We started the day with the usual donuts and bagel sandwiches.

After a sugary feast, he opened some of the cards and gift he got from us. Each brother made him a card, with no guidance from us. When I read Aaron’s, my heart melted.

Aaron’s nickname these days is, “Chicken Legs”.

Jack found it endearing as well, enough to give him this big hug.

In the morning Jack started building one of his gifts, a Lego motorcycle.

In the afternoon, we went to Mass VR (https://massvr.com/) in Skokie. This was the first year we couldn’t invite his entire class, but we did bring two of his friends from school. Including our family, this made a nice number of 8 people, enough to have a good game.

The virtual reality was stunning. It was so real I almost fell over after virtually zip lining. But the many hours gaming Candy Crush instead of shooter games like the rest of the gang served me poorly. When we left, I was surprised to find out there was a third floor of the game I never found. I was too busy re-spawning, then walking in a small circle only to find someone had shot me and I was back in the lobby again.

Also, the recommended age is 12 but they only require a height of 48″. So we included the twins, who are 8 but meet the height requirements. As a result, Aaron’s avatar looked like he was crouching the entire time.

Sam, who is slightly shorter, was like a ghost. At one point he banged right into me then said, “Mom you ran into me!:

I replied, “Okay, Dobby, I’m not actually walking now.”

Still that little ghost elf managed to get twice as many kills as me!

Finally Jack chose sushi for dinner and ate about 6 California rolls on his own.

For dessert, we had pumpkin pie AND cheesecake.

Happy Birthday Jack. And many moooorrre…
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Valentine’s Day 2021

Like most holidays during this pandemic, Valentine’s Day was a muted version of what it once was.

We started the morning with special waffles and heart shaped strawberries.

My favorite part of the day was opening my many cards from all my kids. (I’m pretty sure the oldest one was strong armed under duress to make one for me.)

But during the day, it was just another day full of putzing around the house. Besides copious amounts of time spent on electronics, some of the kids spent their time carving soap and having bubble baths.

Oh, and Aaron made his life plan…

In the evening, we tried to order king crab from three different places, but we struck out on all of them. I’m sure this is due to the ever changing uncertainty restaurants are facing at this time. So we ate at home, and promised ourselves we would wait for another time to have a crab feast. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to be more patient and flexible.

And creative! Aaron finds his disco ball and we end the evening dancing to “Saturday Night Fever.”

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