Parenthood can be quite an isolating era in one’s life.
The din of children’s demands, tantrums and chatter is constantly in your head. Slowly it grows, so that you don’t always realize you are under constant auditory assault. It’s hard to be conscious of the fact that the noise is slowly replacing what used to exist in the space before kids.
The music you used to listen to, the quiet moments of reflection or reading, and the adult chatter you used to actually choose to listen to and enjoy.
I told Adam at the start of the year it has been too long since we’ve seen some old and dear friends, then I made a list of people we needed to make a priority.
Well, it’s three months later and we’ve finally managed to see at least one of the people on the priority list – The Harradines.
Luckily for us, the Harradines are the kinds of family that doesn’t mind if it’s been a while, we can just pick up where we left off like no time has past.
They came bearing alcohol, including Rick’s home made beer’s. A yummy blueberry stout and another IPA that Adam enjoyed. He brews with a group of buddies and it sounded like such a fun thing I started to envision me and my girlfriends stomping on grapes barefoot in a tub, but he said it wasn’t even cost effective so I decided to keep that thought to myself and leave it to the professionals.
They have three boys of their own, two in double digits so Michelle is a pro at parenting boys. Look how she instinctively helps feed Aaron!
And yes, we had 7 boys between two families. That means a 5 pound brisket was decimated in almost one night.

Trent playing with Ben and Aaron.
And just like you can with old friends acting like no time has past, next thing you know Adam and Rick are bumping the old TV up the stairs and out the door, the one I’ve been trying to get rid of for about 10 years.
I’m pretty sure if you look up the definition of “good friend” in the dictionary, it will say, “helped you move heavy furniture out of your house.”

Gluten and Diary free dessert table (I’ll explain in a future blog….)
It was a throughly enjoyable evening that I must remember to make happen more often.
And now, what should I do this the new space in my basement?